Recently Viewed
    • Oscuro
    • DF

    Recently Viewed

    • Oscuro
    • DF

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    Resumen del artículo

    En Français

    What to Know

    • The Recently Viewed tab displays a thumbnail of documents including plans and documents that have been viewed in the SmartUse App.
    • Up to 20 documents are displayed in the Recently Viewed per project on each device (tablet or phone).
    • Only the documents that have been viewed by the current user are displayed.
    • The Recently Viewed tab allows for an easy access to the documents that you open a regular basis.

    See below for instructions to:

    Recently Viewed Overview

    Access the Recently Viewed

    Recently Viewed Overview

    Video Chapters:

    • 00:10 - Access recently viewed
    • 00:22 - Recently viewed information
    • 00:45 - Open a document

    Access the Recently Viewed

    1. Select the project for which you want to view the documents that you recently viewed.
    2. Tap the hamburger menu and select Recently Viewed
    3. Alternatively, tap the clock icon at the top left in any window of the SmartUse App.
    4. Scroll with your finger to view all the documents.
    5. Each document thumbnail displays the following information:
      • The time the document was last viewed
        if the document was viewed on the same day, it will display the time in minutes and hours, and if the document was viewed on a previous day, it will display the date in MM/DD/YY format.
      • If applies, the number of pages the document contains
      • A thumbnail preview of the document
      • The revision number (blue font)
      • The document name
    6. Tap on a document to open it.


    If you need additional assistance, please Contact Us.

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