SmartUse App Viewer
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    SmartUse App Viewer

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    Article summary

    En Français

    What to Know

    • The viewer is where you can view, annotate, compare, share plans and documents on the SmartUse App.
    • The viewer is accessed when tapping on a document to open it.

    See below for instructions:

    Viewer Window








    Navigation Arrows

    Viewer Window

    Tapping on a document thumbnail or selecting it from the list in Documents will open it in the App Viewer.

    1. In the Documents window, tap a drawing or document to open it.
    2. The document will appear in the Viewer.
    3. To zoom in, use two fingers and stretch out.
    4. To zoom out, use two fingers and pinch.
    5. To pan, use finger and swipe.
    6. To select an element on a plan, tap on it.


    The Revision dropdown allows accessing previous document revisions.

    When you open a document, SmartUse will always open the latest revision of the document or plan.
    And if the user opens a previous revision and then goes back to the Documents list, when the document is opened again, it will open the latest revision as well.

    1. Tap the dropdown arrow.
    2. The document revisions will be displayed in the dropdown including the following information:
      • Revision number
      • Name of the version set
      • Date and time the version set was uploaded
      • Badge displaying if the revision is Current or Not Current
    3. Tap the revision you want to access it.

    The search bar allows using key words to search words within a document.

    The Search function is not activated by default. When a project is opened for the first time, SmartUse will ask if you want to activate the feature. Afterwards, to activate the Search function, the user will need to go to the Project Preferences accessible from the three dot menu.

    1. Tap the search bar.
    2. Type in the key word.
    3. Tap Search.
    4. The SmartUse App will zoom in to the first location where the word is found.
    5. Tap the arrows to navigate from one location to the other.
    6. Tap the X to close the search.


    The filters are used to hide or display Markups and Issues on the plan.

    1. Tap the filters icon at the top left of the window.
    2. In MARKUPS:
      • Hide All Markups: Toggle to hide all the markups on the plan.
      • Hide All Except Mine: Toggle to hide all markups except the ones that you have added.
    3. In ISSUES:
      Lists, Categories, and Locations must be added when creating issues before being able to select them as filters.
      • Hide all Issues: Toggle to hide all issues on the plan.
      • Statuses: Toggle either to choose which statuses to display:
        • Open
        • In Progress
        • Completed, pending validation
        • Closed
      • Assignees: Select the issues assignee for which you want to show issues.
      • Lists: Select the Lists for which you want to display the issues.
      • Categories: Select the Issue Category for which you want to display the issues.
      • Priorities: Select the Priority level for which you want to display the issues.
        • Low
        • Normal
        • High
      • Locations: Select the Locations for which you want to display the issues.
    4. Tap Clear All to remove all applied filters.
    5. Tap Close to exit filters.


    The List Popup menu allows viewing the Issues that have been created and the Photos that have been uploaded.

    When opening either Issues or Photos from the List menu, it will open only the ones at the project or folder level where you are located.


    1. The number of issues on the project.
    2. Search: Using key words search for issues in particular. As you type, the results containing the most relevant results will appear.
    3. Select: Deselect or select issues to perform certain actions on them:
      • Assign
      • Download as CSV
      • Download as Word
      • Download as PDF
    4. Filter: Apply filters on the issues to display the specific ones you are looking for.
      • GENERAL
      • STATUSES
      • LISTS
    5. Group by Status: Toggling on the group status button will group the issues by their status. Otherwise, they will appear in the order of the ID numbers.
    6. Sort:
      • Sort by ID
      • Sort by Due Date
    7. + Create new issue: Create a new issue by selecting a category and by filling in the Issue Details.

    8. Issues list: Displays all the issues on the selected project with the following information:
      • ID: When an issue is created, it is assigned an ID number. This number cannot be edited.
      • DESCRIPTION: The description that was entered when the issue was created.
      • ASSIGNEE: The name of the user the issue was assigned to when the issue was created.
      • PRIORITY:The priority level of the issue.
        • Low
        • Normal
        • High
      • DUE DATE: The date that the issue is expected to be resolved.
      • DOCUMENT: If the issue was create on a plan using the exclamation point markup tool, the sheet number will be displayed.
    9. Status legend: A legend of the issue statuses that appear next to the description.
      • Open (Red)
      • In Progress (Yellow)
      • Completed (Green)
      • Closed (Black)


    Displays the photos that have been upload using the camera markup tool. For more information, refer to the Toolbar article.

    1. The number of photos uploaded in the project.
    2. Select: Select photos to perform certain actions on them:
      • Share
      • Delete
    3. Photo list: Displays the photos in order of date including the following information:
      • Date the photo was uploaded
      • Time the photo was uploaded
      • Name of the user who uploaded the photo
      • Thumbnail of the photo
      • Document number


    Allows comparing two documents or revisions either side-by-side or layered.

    1. Tap the Compare icon in the upper right corner.
    2. Select either the revision or the document to compare with.
    3. Tap COMPARE.
    4. Choose to compare by layering the document or by viewing them side-by-side.
    5. In the side-by-side view, tap the padlock icon to pan or zoom in and out. Both sheets will sync when performing a pan or zoomed view.
    6. In the layered view, tap the coloured circles next to the revision number to change the colour they appear in the comparison view.
    7. Tap Align to adjust the placement of the drawing.
      1. Move the plan using your finger or use the arrows and plus and minus signs.
      2. Tap DONE.
    8. Tap the switch document icon to change which revision/document will be brought to front.
    9. Share the comparison by tapping the share icon.
    10. Add Markups to the comparison using the toolbar.
      The markups added in the comparison view will not be saved in the document itself, but only be applied in the comparison to be able to share it.
      • Cloud
      • Text and Arrow
      • Pencil
      • Highlighter
      • Colour
    11. Tap Exit Compare.


    1. Tap the Share icon in the right upper corner.
    2. Select to share either the Current View or the Full Sheet.
      When sharing a Current View, the recipient will receive a PNG file of the current image in the viewer.
      When sharing a Full Sheet the recipient will receive a copy of the original PDF file with all added markups.
    3. Choose how you want to share the comparison.


    Use the toolbar to add Annotations and raise Issues on specific locations on documents.

    View the Toolbar article for detailed instructions.

    When a folder includes more than one document, use the arrows to navigate from one document to the other. Aside from the arrows, a finger can be used to swipe as well.



    If you need additional assistance, please Contact Us.

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